Sunday, August 17, 2008

Watchmen Widget and obsession/geekdom thanks to Comic-Con 2008

In precisely 200 days, Watchmen will be out in theaters. I cannot wait, and here is the widget to count down the days. ;D

I went to the San Diego Comic-Con about three weeks ago. Ever since July 25, I have been obsessing over Watchmen because of the awesomeness of the panel that day. I love the whole cast Zack Snyder chose, and I can't wait to see what they bring to the movie. The actors were fun on the panel thanks to Billy Crudup joking around most of the time. Then of course, the highlight was the amazing footage Zack showed to us. It was incredible, and I can only wish it will be released on the DVD or something because it was a very cool montage with the haunting music of Philip Glass. Another highlight of that day was getting to wave to Billy Crudup and Patrick Wilson. :P I'm also obsessed with Billy now, thanks to this. @_@

The rest of the Comic-Con was nothing compared to the Watchmen day. However, I did get to go to the Supernatural signing and got Jensen Ackles' autograph. That was cool. I think the excitement of the Watchmen goodness surpasses everything else that happened at Comic-Con, though. I just can't stop thinking about that day. I am currently reading the graphic novel. I am almost done, and it is great so far!

OMGosh, I can't wait for 03-06-09!!! (Except I'll probably have to wait another two weeks until after my finals before I can see it.. x_x)

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